Chihuahua is best known for being the smallest dog breed in the world, and nobody can resist its cuteness andcharms include their small size, big personality! Look at these fun loving Chihuahua’s! They’re ready to go to the beach or a luau or even just to a party. They’re wearing their hula skirts and lei’s, which, of course makes them Chi-Hula-Hula’s. We would love to invite you to join our Pinterest Group for the latest and be sure to follow our Crochet Page, too.Pattern with video in English. Skills: Easy.
Read more:
Crochet Amigurumi Puppy Dog Stuffed Toy [Free Patterns]
Amigurumi Dog Buffy Crochet Free Pattern
Amigurumi Dog Droppie & Stool Cover Crochet Free Patterns
Puppy Dog Granny Hexagon Lovey Crochet Free Pattern

Chihuahua Dog Amigurumi: StringyDingDing

Image and Free Pattern: Doriyumi

Image and Free Pattern: Sherri Bush’s Ravelry Store
Originally posted 2020-01-04 15:54:07.