Havana Afghan CAL Crochet Pattern

The Havana Afghan is worked with the wonderful mosaic crochet technique and was featured in a CAL hosted by Pippin Crochet Club on Facebook, the fall of 2018. This fghan has 7 different mosaic patterns, which are all simple variations of the original Apache Tears. And as an homage to the original, that introduced me to this technique, it both starts and ends with the original Apache Tears pattern. We would love to invite you to join our Pinterest Group for the latest and be sure to follow our Crochet and Knit Page, too. Pattern is in English and Czech. Designer: Tinna Thórudóttir; Skills: Intermediate – Advanced


Snuggle Stitch Blanket Crochet Free Pattern

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Havana Afghan CAL Crochet Pattern

Image and Paid Pattern: Tinna Thórudóttir Thorvaldsdóttir’s Ravelry Store